Mental health issues can be hard on teens and their families, especially if they are not diagnosed and treated on time.

If your teen needs mental health help, Navita Health’s teen intensive outpatient treatment programs (IOPs) may be an option. IOPs are intensive yet flexible mental health programs that don’t require patients to live away from home.

Read to learn why you should choose an IOP for your teen’s mental health recovery, about teen intensive outpatient at Navita Health, the length of a teen IOP, and much more.

Why Choose Texas IOP for Your Teen’s Mental Health Recovery?

Texas IOP offers many benefits for your teen’s mental health journey. These include:

  • Intensive treatment: IOPs are the second-highest level of intensity in addiction and mental health treatment next to partial hospitalization programs (PHPs). Accordingly, your teen will get the treatment they need to achieve and sustain recovery.
  • A broad range of effective treatments: Texas IOPs offer many of the most recent treatments, ranging from behavioral therapy and individual counseling to family therapy and dual diagnosis care.
  • Flexible schedules: IOPs do not require young people to live away from home, which means they can continue going to school and work as usual.
  • Customized treatment plans for teens: Texas IOPs consider the many issues that young adults and teens face, including neglect and lack of support at home, abuse, eating disorders, and changing hormones.

Navita Health provides these benefits and more. Book a consultation with us today to learn how we can help your teen.

Teen Intensive Outpatient at Navita Health

Navita Health’s adolescent intensive outpatient program provides a range of treatments. These include behavioral therapies, one-on-one counseling, family therapy and support, dual diagnosis treatment, group therapy, and medication monitoring.

Behavioral Therapies

Behavioral therapy involves working with your teen to help them grasp the relationship between their behaviors, emotions, and thoughts.

The most well-known types of behavioral health evidence-based treatment for teens with mental health disorders are:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps patients identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors.
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) encourages teens to understand their feelings and develop healthy coping strategies by mixing CBT elements with mindfulness techniques.

One on One Counseling

In outpatient therapy, one-on-one or individual therapy provides a safe and confidential space for teen patients to discuss their feelings. 

During individual therapy sessions, therapists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals help teens establish and work toward treatment goals.

Family Therapy & Support

Family therapy and support involves families working with a psychologist, licensed therapist, or clinical social worker to discuss their teen’s mental health issues.

A family can consist of children, parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, grandchildren, close friends, caretakers, and other loved ones.

This treatment method can drastically contribute to your child’s recovery journey by improving communication and resolving conflicts.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Dual diagnosis treatment addresses any and all mental illnesses a person has. It can also treat a person’s substance use disorder, such as alcohol or drug addiction.

Our licensed mental health professionals perform dual diagnosis treatment by using a mix of medications (such as antidepressants) and therapy.

Group Therapy

Besides one-on-one therapy, intensive outpatient programs also offer teen-focused group therapy sessions.

These groups meet online or offline to facilitate a sense of shared understanding and community. The aim is to show teens that they always have support and that many others are going through similar struggles.

Medication Monitoring

Medication monitoring is a service that observes teens’ prescription dosages, schedules, and symptoms. It ensures teens are taking the right amount of medication.

This service may involve medication-assisted treatment when needed. This is a type of detox and long-term withdrawal management system that is usually used for opioid use disorders.

How Long Is a Teen IOP?

The duration of a teen intensive outpatient treatment program depends on many factors. These include:

  • The teen’s needs: Teens with more severe symptoms usually require longer IOPs.
  • The teen’s family insurance: Not every insurance plan covers teen IOPs. If your plan does not cover teen IOPs, you may have to pay out of pocket. This may prolong the duration of the adolescent intensive outpatient program if you need time to gather the required payment.

Talk to Navita Health to learn more about the duration of your teen’s IOP.

Teen IOP vs. Other Levels of Care in Recovery

IOPs are used by treatment teams to target depression, addictions, and other dependencies that do not require 24/7 supervision or detoxification.

Although IOPs provide many advantages, they are not always the best pick for teens. For your teen to achieve and maintain recovery, you must help them choose the level of care that best matches their needs.

Here is a breakdown of teen IOPs versus other levels of care in recovery. Talk to Navita Health to ensure you have chosen the most suitable program for your child.

Partial Hospitalization Programs

If your teen’s day-to-day functioning has been severely affected by their mental health symptoms (i.e., they are engaging in self-harm), partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) may be preferable.

Here are the main differences between PHPs and IOPs:

  • Structure: PHPs offer close supervision, support, and structure, while IOPs prioritize flexibility.
  • Intensity: PHPs are more intensive, while IOPs are less intensive.
  • Step-down: When people have completed a PHP or do not require that level of intensity of treatment, they can step down to an IOP.

Outpatient Services

Outpatient services are the least-intensive type of treatment for mental health disorders. They consist of tests and procedures that can be done in a medical center without an overnight stay.

This level of service is best for people with less-severe mental health symptoms who no longer need the intensity of an IOP or PHP program.

Talk to Navita Health patient advocates or clinicians to learn about the best service level for your teen.

Types of Mental Health Disorders Treated in Teen IOPs

Like other Navita Health programs, our teen IOPs can treat a wide range of mental health disorders. These include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Substance use disorders, including alcohol and drug addiction
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Benefits of Outpatient Mental Health Care for Teens

Teens participating in an outpatient mental health care program can expect many benefits. These are:

  • Treated mental health symptoms: Teens who go through these programs have a higher chance of reducing or treating their mental health symptoms.
  • Reduced or stopped alcohol and drug abuse: Teens struggling with mental health disorders have a higher chance of co-occurring substance abuse disorder(s). By treating mental health symptoms, an outpatient mental health care program can reduce or stop alcohol and drug abuse.
  • Lower risk of relapse: Patients enrolled in an outpatient mental health program have plenty of support, including aftercare, leading to a lower risk of relapse. Relapse is when someone’s mental health symptoms return.
  • Healing from mental health effects: Mental health effects can cause teens to be withdrawn and more depressed than usual. By treating mental health symptoms such as anxiety, mood disorders, and addiction, and giving teens the space and confidence to explore their feelings, outpatient mental health programs can help teens heal from mental health effects.
  • Repaired relationships with loved ones: The better teens feel about themselves after healing from mental health effects, the more likely they can repair their relationships with loved ones.
  • Better school performance: After getting treatment for their mental health symptoms, teens may have improved school performance.

How Much Does Teen IOP Cost in Texas?

A teen IOP usually costs less than higher levels of care, including inpatient or residential treatment rehab programs and PHPs.

However, costs vary depending on many factors, including insurance coverage and the type and duration of the chosen program. Talk to a mental healthcare provider to learn more about each option’s cost.

Does Insurance Cover Teen IOP?

Yes, some insurance plans cover teen IOP. But, your teen may be required to meet certain requirements, such as having a diagnosed mental health condition that requires structured treatment and monitoring.

Talk to your insurance plan provider to see if you are eligible for teen IOP. 

Navita Health can work with you to ensure you and your teen can get the treatment you deserve. 

You may also be able to access various types of financial assistance, including:

  • Sliding fee payments or scales that change depending on your income (i.e., you will pay less if you have lower income)
  • Grants, which may be offered via the state
  • Financial assistance programs such as lending

Steps to Starting a Teen IOP in Texas

If your teen’s healthcare provider says that a teen IOP is the best way to treat their mental disorder, here’s what you need to do to start a teen IOP in Texas:

1.    Contact your teen PHP provider: Before you do anything else, you and your teen must talk to a psychologist or psychiatrist. They can tell you what treatment program best suits your teen’s needs.

2.    Be screened and evaluated: The psychologist or psychiatrist will screen and evaluate your teen’s mental health and well-being to see whether they are suited for a teen intensive outpatient program.

3.    Get a tailored treatment plan: The intensive outpatient program provider will create a customized treatment plan for your teen using the psychologist or psychiatrist’s assessment.

4.    Get accepted into a teen intensive outpatient program: After finalizing the treatment plan, your IOP provider will enroll your teen in the program. You and your teen will sign paperwork and learn about the program’s rules, expectations, and schedule.

What to Look for in a Teen Intensive Outpatient Program

Choosing the best IOP can be challenging, especially when there are so many on the market.

Keep the following in mind when looking for the best teen IOP:

  • IOP accreditation and licensing: IOP treatment centers in Texas must comply with state and federal licensing requirements to ensure quality and safety. To be licensed, providers must undergo comprehensive facility inspections, staff credential checks, and more.
  • Certifications: Texan IOP providers should have certifications that show they comply with relevant state and federal organizational standards. Examples of relevant state and federal organizations include the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
  • Positive testimonials and reviews: IOP providers should have mostly positive testimonials and reviews from satisfied clients. You can find testimonials and reviews on Google Business, Yelp, and the provider’s site. If reviewers frequently complain about an aspect of the provider’s service or treatment methodology (i.e., bad customer service or unqualified healthcare providers), you should find another IOP provider.
  • A high success rate: Last but not least, the best IOP for your teen should have a high success rate. You should be able to find statistics about the effectiveness of the IOP”s coping skills and treatment methods.

Can Teens Stay in School While in IOPs?

Yes, teens can remain in school while in IOPs. Unlike inpatient services, IOPs do not require patients to move away from home or change their existing schedules.

Some IOP providers can provide support for your teen’s educational journey. Contact your IOP provider for more details.

What Happens After Teen IOP?

After your teen goes through an IOP program, they can receive aftercare options and mental recovery support. These are meant to help your teen achieve and sustain recovery and prevent relapse.

Aftercare Programs

Aftercare programs refer to any kind of continuing care that helps monitor your symptoms, aids your mental health and addiction recovery progress, and provides assistance in case of relapse.

Depending on your teen’s unique needs, they may receive the following aftercare options:

  • Therapy for promoting emotional regulation
  • Alternative therapy, including art therapy
  • Experiential therapy
  • Online and in-person support groups
  • Step-down treatment (i.e., going from an intensive type of mental health help to a less-intensive one)

Mental Health Support

Mental health support involves counselors and other mental health professionals creating a safe and supportive environment that encourages teens to talk about their feelings. 

They may also encourage healthy habits like good nutrition and exercise and model healthy coping strategies for challenges such as stress.

Talk to your outpatient care provider to learn more about their aftercare programs and mental health support.

Learn if Intensive Outpatient Care is Right for Your Teen

Determining the appropriate level of care for your teen can be difficult. 

If you pick a higher level of care than necessary, your teen may feel overwhelmed and not have the time to attend school or work. On the other hand, if you choose a level that is not intense enough, your teen will not get the mental health care they deserve. 

Navita Health can help you and your teen select the right level of care. Our patient advocates will listen to your and your teen’s mental health journey and tell you how we can help. Contact us today to learn more about your teen intensive outpatient programs for mental health.