Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can deeply affect those living with the condition, as well as their families. It doesn’t discriminate between gender or age, affecting millions of children, adolescents and adults from all walks of life. 

OCD can sometimes be hard to spot as its symptoms can look like those of anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. It’s also possible, and common, to have OCD along with another mental health condition.

Unmanaged OCD can lead to dysfunctional behaviors that reduce enjoyment of life and even physical injury, as seen with obsessive rituals in people who face this disorder.

If you or your loved one is living with OCD, know that help and healing is available. We’re here to help you understand this condition, what treatment options exist, and how you can escape the clutches of OCD toward a happier, healthier life.

How Does Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment Work?

OCD treatment aims to bring the person’s symptoms and impulses under control. While the condition may never be completely cured, individuals living with OCD—including those at any stage —can find ways to manage the disorder and prevent it from interrupting their daily lives. 

There are two main approaches to OCD treatment: psychotherapy and medication. 

Psychological approaches, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and specifically exposure and response prevention (ERP), focus on confronting fears and reducing compulsive behaviors. 

Doctors may also prescribe medications, typically serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs), to alleviate symptoms. Often, a combination of both approaches is most effective in helping patients gain control over the condition. 

Those who benefit most from OCD interventions usually have a strong support system. They are committed to the therapeutic process and engage in treatment early in their disorder.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment Services

At Navita Health, we know that each person living with OCD comes to us with a unique story. So, we offer a range of services which we tailor to best fit the specific needs of our guests. 

Residential Treatment Programs

Our residential treatment programs offer a stable, supportive live-in environment for a set amount of time. 

Round the clock care helps those with severe OCD access the structure and resources they need to build healthy coping strategies. 

By removing themselves from their daily triggers at home, our guests are able to stabilize their conditions and build their resilience in order to re-enter daily life when ready. 

Day Treatment Programs

Day treatment programs allow our clients to attend structured treatment sessions during the day while living at home. 

Unlike residential care, day treatment programs are more suited for those whose symptoms are not so distressing or debilitating that they need an intense level of support. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based, first-line treatment for OCD. It focuses on rewiring the client’s way of thinking by changing dysfunctional thoughts and behavior patterns.

Exposure and response prevention (ERP) is a key component of CBT. With repeated exposure to their triggers, our clients learn to reduce compulsive behaviors and manage obsessive thoughts.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Medication

OCD medication can work hand in hand with psychotherapies to promote long-term recovery. That’s because medication helps to stabilize symptoms in the short term, helping our clients engage more successfully in deeper psychological work. 

Treatment often includes selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and tricyclic antidepressants. These medications target related disorders such as tics, anxiety, and depression, which can be mutually reinforcing in the persistence of OCD. 

FDA-approved medications for adults and children aged 6 and up include: 

  • Fluoxetine (Prozac)
  • Fluvoxamine (Luvox)
  • Paroxetine (Paxil)
  • Sertraline (Zoloft)
  • Clomipramine (Anafranil)

With any medication, there’s always a risk of unwanted side effects. After a thorough assessment, our mental health professionals may prescribe other psychiatric medications tailored to individual needs. 

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is one of the latest CBT approaches. It teaches clients to accept unwanted thoughts without acting on them, an impulse that people with OCD find hard to control.

ACT helps our clients recognize their wider life goals and stay focused on these as they go about their daily lives. This increases their mental flexibility, helping them adjust those OCD behaviors which pull them away from these goals. 

Individual Therapy

At Navita, we recognize each of our clients’ unique stories and know there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. That’s why our individual therapy sessions are a key part of our holistic treatment provision. 

In a one-to-one setting, our clients can explore the root causes and manifestations of their symptoms, guided by the safe hands of an OCD specialist.

Group Therapy

Battling a behavioral health condition can be a lonely experience, making the person feel isolated and misunderstood. 

To combat this, we draw upon the power of support groups, where our clients share experiences and realize they’re not alone in their journey. This creates a sense of belonging and expands each group member’s support network, bringing recovery closer within reach. 

Family Therapy

Living with unmanaged OCD takes its toll both on the client and their families. It’s very normal for family members to struggle to understand why their loved one is stuck in the grips of OCD, or what they can do to help. 

But family therapy helps to educate each member on the inner workings of OCD and what they can do to give effective support. 

Other Treatments for OCD

Although we don’t offer these at our facility, there are other OCD treatment options available for those not responding to therapy and medication-based approaches.

These treatment options include:

  • Deep brain stimulation (DBS): Involves neurosurgical implantation of electrodes to regulate OCD impulses. 
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS): A non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve OCD symptoms.

When considering your options, it’s best to speak to a specialist. They can advise you on the best course of action based on your unique circumstances. 

Types of Obsessive Compulsive Disorders We Treat

At Navita Health, we tailor our treatment plans to best meet the unique needs of each of our guests, who may display one or more of the following OCD-related behaviors.


People with hoarding behaviors have difficulty discarding items, regardless of their actual value. This can lead to cluttered living spaces that significantly impair functioning.

But the person hoarding may not recognize this as a problem, especially when the collected items or creatures provide comfort. Attempts to clean out spaces can be met with anger and more hoarding to recreate a sense of security. 

At Navita Health, we offer CBT as the best treatment toward reducing emotional attachment to items and relieving hoarding tendencies. The treatment plan may include medications to help manage associated anxiety and depression. 


Contamination fears are a common form of OCD. This is where the person with OCD is overwhelmed by the fear of germs, dirt, or other pollutants, leading to extensive hand washing and cleaning routines.

These routines can be long and disruptive, aggravating the skin and causing painful, open sores. The person may not want to do certain activities or even go outside for fear of contamination. 

At Navita Health, treatment for contamination fears involves exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy. This is designed to incrementally lessen the fear of contamination and decrease the dependency on compulsive cleaning behaviors.


Compulsive checking is another common manifestation of OCD, driven by an overwhelming need to prevent danger or ensure safety. 

It often looks like an urge to check doors and appliances multiple times, even if it seems clear that they present no danger. This behavior is time-consuming and significantly impacts peace of mind. 

At Navita Health, our approach to treating checking behaviors combines ERP therapy with CBT. This combination addresses the anxiety and unhelpful thought patterns that underlie compulsive checking behaviors. 


Indecisiveness in OCD is characterized by an intense fear of making the wrong decision. It can affect anyone dealing with OCD, but it’s particularly challenging for those with perfectionistic traits. 

Indecisiveness might look like an avoidance of decision-making, long amounts of time spent making minor choices, and distress when required to make decisions. 

We use CBT and ERP approaches to directly address and rewire these perfectionistic thought processes. These help to build each client’s tolerance for uncertainty, helping them to navigate decision-making with increased confidence and less anxiety.

Order and Symmetry

The compulsion for order and symmetry is characterized by an urge to have objects meticulously arranged and actions completed symmetrically. 

This can look like rearranging items until they’re in perfect alignment, feeling distressed by asymmetry, and repetitive behaviors to maintain a sense of order. 

At Navita Health, the treatment strategy includes ERP to gradually lessen these compulsions, and CBT is employed to tackle the anxiety that fuels them.

Ruminations and Intrusive Thoughts

Ruminations and intrusive thoughts involve unwelcome, distressing mental images or ideas that cause anxiety or unease. Those affected may experience ongoing fears, violent images, or thoughts considered taboo, leading to feelings of distress or embarrassment. 

An example of ruminating thoughts can be seen in people with body dysmorphic disorder, who have a warped yet persistent view of their weight.

At Navita, the treatment strategy for managing these symptoms includes CBT aimed at changing how individuals respond to intrusive thoughts. We also use mindfulness-based therapies to help individuals better tolerate unwanted thoughts, training them to acknowledge them without resorting to compulsive behaviors. 

Who Will Benefit from OCD Treatment?

Treatment at Navita Health can help anyone grappling with the symptoms of OCD. This might be people seeking help for the first time, or those looking for different solutions after other unsuccessful attempts. 

This includes all ages, genders, and anyone with co-occurring mental health challenges, such as anxiety disorders or depression. 

Of course, the main benefit of treatment is to the person undergoing it. But family and friends can also see an improvement in their peace and daily lives as their loved one breaks free from OCD’s grasp.

What Sets Apart Our OCD Treatment Programs?

At Navita Health, we know how debilitating and distressing living with OCD can be. Our approach focuses on building each of our guests’ self-compassion, understanding, and empowerment. 

We offer each of our clients:

  • Tailored therapies: Each client receives a personalized treatment plan, carefully crafted after a comprehensive assessment to meet their specific OCD challenges.
  • Client-centered care: We prioritize treating every client with the utmost dignity, ensuring a respectful, supportive, and understanding environment for everyone.
  • Evidence-based approaches: Our OCD treatment programs combine the latest in cognitive behavioral therapy with innovative psychological therapies.
  • Comprehensive support system: We offer group and family therapy to build a strong support network, crucial for long-term management and recovery.
  • Holistic focus: Acknowledging the connection between mind, body, and spirit, our treatments promote overall well-being and resilience.

How Long Will Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment Last?

The length of OCD treatment at Navita Health is tailored to each person’s unique needs and the complexity of their disorder. 

Severity of OCD and any co-existing mental health conditions can lengthen treatment, while a strong support network and engagement with the program can make it shorter. 

Treatment length is also impacted by insurance coverage and financial factors, with each person’s unique circumstances informing the plan that’s right for them. 

No matter what the situation, treatment is often a non-linear journey, with each approach as uniquely crafted as the people in our care.

Does Insurance Cover Obsessive Compulsive Treatment in Texas?

In Texas, whether treatment of OCD is covered depends on your specific insurance plan and provider. Navita Health works closely with a wide range of insurance plans, which may help lower the costs for patients seeking treatment.

We encourage each person to check their insurance type and the details of their policy to understand their coverage fully. We’re committed to helping you navigate the complexities of insurance and finding feasible payment solutions, ensuring access to necessary OCD treatment.

If you encounter any hurdles with insurance coverage, we’re here to help explore all available options to support your recovery journey.

Find Effective Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment at Navita

OCD can be a crippling condition that severely impacts the quality of life of the person affected and those around them.

But the journey to healing is one you don’t have to take alone. 

At Navita Health, we’re experts in helping our clients understand and overcome their OCD challenges, leading to long-term recovery.

Our OCD treatment programs are tailored around each individual, empowering them to take back control and live a happier, more fulfilled life. To find out how we can help you, reach out to Navita Health today.