Known alternatively as equine-assisted or equine-facilitated therapy, equine therapy involves meaningful engagements between people and horses to bolster mental health.

Unlike standard horse riding, equine therapy involves ground-level interactions like grooming, feeding, and guiding the horse.

Such engagements cultivate trust and empathy, offering participants a chance to hone communication and assertiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How is it unique?

Offers hands-on horse interactions for emotional insights, unlike traditional talk sessions.

Why choose it?

Effective for anxiety, trauma, and depression, as an alternative to conventional methods.

Any scientific support?

Yes, various mental health journals highlight its effectiveness.

Types of Equine Therapy?

  • Therapeutic Riding: Physical/emotional benefits.
  • Assisted Psychotherapy: Mental health focus.
  • Facilitated Learning: Skill-building.
  • Hippotherapy: Boosting physical/cognitive functions.

Overall benefits?

Enhances emotional control, confidence, and communication. It also provides a calming environment and emotional regulation.

Lastly, it creates a safe space for emotional healing.

Is it for you?

Consider your comfort with horses and consult a mental health professional.