Many teens and young adults struggle with mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. Unfortunately, most do not receive the treatment they need.

If your teen needs help with their mental health, consider Navita Health’s teen partial hospitalization programs (PHP) in Texas. PHPs are structured treatment options which provide behavioral and mental health care.

Learn about our teen partial hospitalization programs for mental health, why you should choose Texas PHP for your teen, teen PHP length, PHP versus other levels of care, and more.

Why Choose Texas PHP for Your Teen’s Addiction Recovery?

Navita Health’s Texas PHP for teens provides many benefits. These include:

  • Comprehensive treatment: PHPs provide a broad range of effective and comprehensive treatments.
  • Tailor-made for your teen: Navita Health’s Texas PHP takes into account the many mental health and other issues that teens and young adults face.
  • Access to top-quality care: Our PHP program offers high-quality, intensive, short-term care. They provide the highest level of intensity in addiction and mental health treatment next to residential or inpatient.
  • Maintenance of daily schedules: PHPs allow teens to maintain their existing work, family, and school schedules. They only receive treatment during the day and will return home in the evenings and weekends.
  • Minimized chance of relapse: Patients who are enrolled in treatment programs such as PHPs and receive follow-up care have a lower chance of relapse.

Navita Health offers all of these benefits, interventions, and more. Talk to us today to learn how we can create a personalized treatment plan.

Teen Partial Hospitalization at Navita Health

Navita Health’s teen partial hospitalization program offers several treatment options. Here is a summary of each option’s offerings.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral health therapy works with teens to help them grasp the relationship between their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

Behavioral therapies use evidence-based treatment methods to comprehensively address your teen’s mental health challenges. Examples of behavioral therapy methods include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that helps patients spot and change negative behaviors and thought patterns.
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) mixes mindfulness techniques with various CBT elements. It encourages patients to accept their feelings and develop healthy coping skills and strategies.

Individual Counseling

Besides group therapy, Navita Health also offers one-on-one or individual therapy sessions. These counseling sessions provide a confidential and safe space for teens to talk about their feelings and work toward treatment goals.

Family Participation

As its name implies, family participation or family therapy involves families working with a therapist or several therapists and a teen to discuss the teen’s mental health issues. A family may consist of parents, children, grandparents, caretakers, close friends, and other loved ones.

Family participation and involvement can significantly contribute to your teen’s recovery journey by improving communication, bolstering relationships, and fostering a supportive environment.

Dual Diagnosis Care

A dual diagnosis occurs when someone is diagnosed with more than one mental health or addiction issue. For example, you have a dual diagnosis if you are diagnosed with anxiety and bipolar disorder.

Navita Health’s licensed medical professionals will ensure patients receive top-quality care for all their diagnoses.

Support Groups

Support groups put patients in touch with peers facing similar mental health challenges. For example, there are support groups specifically for depression, eating disorders, and anxiety. Such groups can give your teen a network to rely on during their recovery journey.

Medication Management

Navita Health’s PHP treatment services provide medication management as part of a larger treatment program.

Our psychiatrists and nurses will ensure your teen’s safety by:

  • Prescribing correct medications
  •  Monitoring the effects of medications on your teen’s mental illness symptoms (i.e., whether your teen’s meds increase or decrease anxiety and palpitations)
  •  Monitoring medication usage

How Long Is a Teen PHP?

The length of a teen PHP depends on various factors. Some of these factors are:

  • The patient’s needs: Generally speaking, the more severe your teen’s mood disorders and mental health needs, the longer your teen’s PHP will last. A teen with severe bipolar disorder will probably need a longer PHP stay than someone with mild anxiety.
  • The patient’s insurance plan: If your insurance plan does not cover the PHP, you may need to spread the PHP over a longer period to pay for the program. For instance, what would have ordinarily taken one year may take three years in total.

Talk to Navita Health to learn more about the length of a teen PHP.

Teen PHP vs. Other Levels of Care in Recovery

When choosing the best mental health program for your teen, you must know which level of care is the most suitable for your teen’s stage of recovery.

PHPs are usually recommended for patients experiencing moderate or severe symptoms that drastically affect their day-to-day functioning. 

Teens with this level of impairment may have difficulty maintaining school attendance and grades, adequate work performance levels, and relationships.

If you are unsure about your teen’s stage of recovery, talk to Navita Health and your healthcare provider to learn which level of care is best for your child. 

You can also reference our below breakdown of how teen PHP compares to other levels of care in recovery.

Intensive Outpatient Programs

Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) are the most intensive level of recovery besides inpatient programs. They are recommended for individuals with long-term addictions or acute psychiatric symptoms who need more support. 

IOPs are the go-to choice if your teen’s mental health symptoms are too severe for them to live at home. 

The main difference between PHP and IOP outpatient treatment is the intensity of treatments provided. 

Because PHP is more intensive, it requires more time commitment than IOP, which means teens may be forced to change their existing schedules. On the other hand, IOPs usually allow patients to maintain their daily routines.

Outpatient Programs

Outpatient programs are the least intensive level of care. Like PHP programs, they allow patients to live at home, but they are less intensive.

These programs are the best choice for teens with less severe symptoms who do not or no longer need the intensity of a PHP program.

To illustrate, suppose your teen had severe bipolar disorder and needed PHP to treat their symptoms. However, after 6 months, their symptoms subside, and their healthcare providers say that they no longer need intense counseling and therapy.

As such, your teen can step down to a less-intensive outpatient program that gives them more time to rest, connect with family and friends, and focus on school and other aspects of life.

Types of Mental Health Disorders Treated in Teen PHPs

Navita Health’s PHP program can treat many types of mental health disorders. These include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Schizophrenia
  • Substance use disorders (i.e., drug and alcohol addiction)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Bipolar disorder

Talk to us to learn more about the mental health disorders our adolescent PHP program treats.

Benefits of Outpatient Mental Health Recovery for Teens

Teens enrolled in an outpatient PHP program experience a wide range of benefits. These include:

  • Reduced symptoms: Teens who go through our PHP program have a higher chance of reducing their mental health symptoms. As a result, they have better mental health and an improved sense of well-being after going through our program.
  • Stopped or reduced substance abuse: Adolescents enrolled in our PHP program also have a higher chance of stopping or reducing substance (i.e., alcohol or drug) abuse.
  • Lowered chance of relapse: Patients who are enrolled in treatment programs such as PHPs and receive follow-up care have a lower chance of relapse. In other words, there is a lower chance of their mental health symptoms returning.
  • Repaired family relationships: Thanks to our family participation programs, many of our clients have also repaired their family relationships during and after enrolling in our PHP programs.
  • Improved school performance: Teens receiving PHP treatment may have improved school performance once they get the treatment they need for their mental health symptoms.

How Much Does Teen PHP Cost in Texas?

A teen PHP in Texas typically costs less than an inpatient rehab program. This is because PHP services are provided on an outpatient basis.

Does Insurance Cover Teen PHP?

Yes, some insurance plans cover teen PHP. However, your teen may have to meet certain requirements, including having a diagnosed mental health condition that needs structured monitoring and treatment.

Some of these conditions include:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Substance use disorders (such as drug or alcohol addiction)
  • Depression
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Bipolar disorder

Talk to your insurance plan provider to learn about your eligibility. If you don’t have insurance and can’t pay for PHP programs out of pocket, we will work with you to ensure you and your family can access care.

You may also be able to access financial resources:

  • Grants, which could be offered through the state
  • Financial assistance programs such as lending
  • Sliding fee scales or payments that vary depending on income

Steps to Starting a Teen PHP in Texas

If your teen has a diagnosed mental health disorder, here’s what you need to enter a teen PHP in Texas.

1.    Reach out to your chosen teen PHP provider: First, you and your teen should talk to a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist. They can determine what kind of intensive treatment you need.

2.    Undergo screening and evaluation: The mental health professional will screen and evaluate your teen to determine their mental health condition and suitability for PHP treatment.

3.    Receive a tailored treatment plan: The healthcare provider will use the assessment results to tailor a treatment plan for your teen.

4.    Be admitted and enrolled in a PHP: After finalizing the treatment plan, your treatment provider will admit and enroll your teen in the PHP. You and your teen will then sign paperwork and familiarize yourselves with the PHP program’s expectations, rules, and schedule.

What to Look for in a Teen Partial Hospitalization Program

Because there are so many PHP providers, choosing the best teen partial hospitalization program can be challenging.

Here’s what to look for in teen partial hospitalization programs:

  • PHP licensing and accreditation: PHP providers in Texas must follow strict licensing requirements to ensure their services’ safety and quality. The licensing process involves detailed facility inspections, staff credential verifications, and compliance with state regulations for patient safety and privacy.
  • A high success rate: The right PHP must be able to help people learn coping methods and skills to manage their mental health, reduce the chance of relapse, and offer other benefits to help teens achieve and maintain recovery.
  • Glowing reviews and testimonials: PHP providers should also have good reviews and testimonials from satisfied clients. If there are many negative reviews, consider finding another PHP program provider.
  • Certifications: The best PHP program should also have certifications to demonstrate compliance with state and federal organizations, such as the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM).

Can Teens Stay in School While in PHPs?

Yes, teens can stay in school while in PHPs. PHPs do not require them to change their existing schedules or move away from home, making it easier for teens to stay on track.

Some PHPs may even provide educational support. Talk to your chosen PHP provider to learn more.

What Happens After Teen PHP?

After going through a PHP, teen patients can receive aftercare options and mental recovery support.

Aftercare Options

Aftercare options are tailored to meet individuals’ unique needs in recovery. They often focus on community engagement and relapse prevention.

Aftercare options usually include a combination of the following:

  • Support groups
  • Continued counseling
  • Therapy
  • Practical skills development

Mental Recovery Support

Mental recovery support helps teens sustain recovery by helping them take control of their lives. Counselors and other mental health professionals help teens decide what is important for them and what they would like their lives to look like.

They can do this by encouraging teens to create and adopt healthy coping strategies for challenging situations that may trigger relapse.

Learn if Partial Hospitalization Is Right for Your Teen

We understand how mental health challenges can be difficult for teens and their families, especially if they receive little to no support.

That’s where Navita Health comes in. Our compassionate patient advocates will listen to your and your teen’s story and tell you about the best treatment choice for your situation. You will then learn if partial hospitalization is right for your teen.

Book a consultation with us today to learn how we can help you.