Eating disorders can have devastating impacts on those living with them, as well as on their loved ones. 

And treatment is rarely straightforward, with many physical and emotional needs to address before healing can take place. 

At Navita Health, we’re experts in holistic health and healing. We have great respect for those who come to us for help, working alongside them as equal partners in their recovery journey.

If you or your loved one is battling an eating disorder, we’re here to offer compassionate guidance toward lasting wellness and fulfillment. 

How Does Eating Disorder Treatment Work?

Eating disorder treatment combines medical, psychological, and nutritional strategies tailored to the needs of each person. 

Treatment often involves individual talk therapy with a mental health professional for deep psychological work. It also includes group therapy for peer support and family therapy to engage close ones in the recovery process.

Medications may be used to manage symptoms of co-occurring conditions such as anxiety or depression. And nutritional counseling with a registered dietitian is offered to help clients build healthy eating habits.

Eating disorder treatment benefits those suffering from a range of disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and other specified feeding or eating disorders (OSFED). 

Key factors for successful recovery include early intervention, a supportive environment, and the person’s ability to commit to change.

Eating Disorder Treatment Services

At Navita Health, we know that a holistic approach to healing works best in treating eating disorders long-term.

We offer a range of treatment options, with different levels of care combined to create a plan tailored to each person’s requirements.

Residential Treatment 

Under residential treatment, our clients live within the treatment facility for a set period of time. This is suitable for those who require medical care for life-threatening eating disorder conditions.

This safe, home-like environment provides 24/7 support and structured treatment plans, including medical monitoring, therapy, and nutritional support. This creates a holistic recovery experience.

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient treatment offers flexibility for our clients to attend our treatment center during the day while continuing to live at home. 

This model supports recovery through regular therapy and counseling sessions, ideal for those in less acute stages of an eating disorder.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most commonly used, evidence-based approach for treating eating disorders and other mental health conditions. 

It involves changing core beliefs, helping individuals challenge negative thought patterns and behaviors related to their eating disorder. 

Over time, our clients build coping strategies to manage triggers and reduce disordered eating behaviors.

Nutritional Counseling

Nutritional counseling empowers each client by helping them understand the role of nutrition in the functioning of the body and the brain. 

It’s well-known that simply telling someone what to do won’t help them change their behaviors in the long term. 

But by making them an equal partner in their education, we help them understand the importance of nutrition in their overall health and well-being

Individual Therapy

One-on-one sessions with a therapist help our clients address the underlying emotional and psychological factors of an eating disorder. 

At Navita, we know that every person is on a different journey, bringing with them different experiences that no one-size-fits-all approach can treat. 

Which is why our personalized approach helps our clients explore these deeper levels and heal the damage from their individual root causes.

Group Therapy

Group therapy provides a supportive environment where individuals can share experiences and strategies. 

It fosters a sense of community and understanding, highlighting that one is not alone in their eating disorder recovery journey.

Family Therapy

Healing from an eating disorder is challenging for both the client and their family. Mealtimes can feel like a minefield and it can be hard for the family to know how to help their loved one. 

But family therapy engages family members in the recovery process, educating them on the dynamics of eating disorders and how to provide effective support. 

This strengthens family relationships and creates a supportive home environment that promotes long-term recovery.

Eating Disorder Medication

Eating disorder medication isn’t a standalone treatment. But medication can be prescribed to manage symptoms of co-occurring conditions like anxiety or depression. 

These co-occurring conditions often reinforce each other. For example, someone might develop an eating disorder to manage their anxiety. In turn, the disordered eating patterns feed into their anxiety.

A combination of medication, including antidepressants, with psychotherapy and education is most effective in helping clients overcome their eating disorder. 

Treatment for Health Issues Linked to Eating Disorders

Although they are usually psychological, eating disorders can lead to many physical health issues. Being aware of and treating these is key in helping each person make a full recovery. 

Treatment often targets these associated physical health issues:

  • Electrolyte imbalances: Treatment restores balance through nutritional support and, in severe cases, intravenous (IV) fluids to support muscle, heart, and nerve function.
  • Heart problems and high blood pressure: Monitoring and medical intervention help to manage cardiovascular issues, often involving medications and dietary adjustments.
  • Digestive problems: A combination of dietary changes, nutritional therapy, and sometimes medications can help relieve gastrointestinal symptoms.
  • Nutrient deficiencies: Tailored nutritional counseling and supplementation aim to replenish deficient nutrients, heal malnutrition and restore overall nutritional balance.
  • Dental issues: Dental care, including professional cleaning and treatments, addresses cavities and enamel erosion, especially in cases of bulimia.
  • Low bone density (osteoporosis): Treatment may include calcium and vitamin D supplements, along with medications and exercise to increase bone density.
  • Stunted growth: In young individuals, nutritional rehabilitation and ensuring adequate caloric intake are crucial to support growth and development.
  • Mental health conditions: Co-occurring conditions like depression, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorder often require therapy and medications to aid recovery.
  • Menstrual irregularities and fertility issues: Nutritional rehabilitation and hormonal therapies can help restore normal menstrual cycles and address fertility concerns.

Types of Eating Disorders We Treat

At Navita Health, we know that each person in our care comes to us with a story as unique as they are. 

We combine bespoke care with evidence-based approaches to treat the following eating disorders: 

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is defined by an extreme fear of gaining weight and a distorted body image, leading to restricted eating and severe weight loss. It mainly affects adolescents and young adults but can occur at any age. 

Symptoms include dramatic weight loss, an obsession with food, calories, dieting, and excessive exercise. The fear of weight gain is ever present, no matter how much weight the person loses.

At Navita Health, treatment for anorexia can include medical stabilization, nutritional rehabilitation, individual therapy for body image issues, and family therapy to support recovery.

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa involves cycles of binge eating followed by purging to prevent weight gain. Purging usually happens through self-induced vomiting, taking laxatives, or doing excessive exercise. 

It typically starts in late adolescence or early adult years. Common behaviors include secretive eating, frequent bathroom visits after meals, and evidence of purging. 

Treatment at Navita may include cognitive-behavioral therapy to interrupt the binge-purge cycle, nutritional counseling, and group therapy for coping strategies and support.

Binge Eating Disorder

Like bulimia, binge eating disorder involves consuming large amounts of food and a feeling that the eating session is out of control. The difference in this case is that there’s overeating but no purging.

Binge eating disorder can impact anyone, regardless of age, gender, or body weight. The individual may appear to be a healthy weight, or they may be overweight or obese. 

Our approach to healing binge eating disorder includes cognitive-behavioral therapy to tackle psychological factors and boost self-esteem. We also provide nutritional counseling, and support groups to foster healthier habits.

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

People with avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) show disinterest in eating or avoid food for sensory reasons or feared consequences. This is unrelated to weight or body shape. 

It’s more common in younger children but can be present at any age. Symptoms include a limited diet, potential weight loss or developmental delays, and nutritional deficiencies. 

Treatment at Navita Health focuses on gently integrating new foods, changing thought patterns through therapy, and building family understanding and support.

Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders

Other specified feeding and eating disorders (OSFED) includes eating disorders that don’t fully meet the criteria of the disorders above but still significantly impact individuals. 

It affects those whose symptoms diverge from typical eating disorder patterns, including variations of food restriction, binge eating, or purging. 

We evaluate each of our client’s unique circumstances to create treatment plans that ease their specific symptoms.

Who Will Benefit from Eating Disorder Treatment?

If you or a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, eating disorder treatment could offer the help you need. 

This includes those who have previously sought treatment without success, or are dealing with multiple mental disorders or behavioral health issues. 

Although the person receiving treatment directly benefits from the help provided, many people indirectly benefit too. This includes family members, friends, colleagues and anyone with a relationship to the individual. 

What Sets Apart Our Eating Disorder Treatment Programs?

At Navita Health, we understand the pain and complexities people with eating disorders must navigate on their journey to wellness. 

We view our clients as esteemed guests, offering each one:

  • Compassionate guidance: We navigate the complexities of eating disorders, offering support toward healing.
  • Customized treatment: Following a detailed assessment, treatment plans are tailored to each individual’s unique challenges and objectives.
  • Utmost care and respect: Our environment is designed to ensure every client feels valued and supported, emphasizing care and respect.
  • Holistic recovery: Our treatments integrate mind, body, and spirit, combining traditional and holistic methods for full recovery.

How Long Will Eating Disorder Treatment Last?

The duration of eating disorder treatment varies, depending on individual needs, the disorder’s severity, and other factors including insurance coverage. 

Treatment may span months to years. Severe cases often need longer care, and additional mental health conditions can extend the treatment period. Access to a loving support system also significantly impacts the length of treatment. 

In our experience, recovery usually unfolds in a nonlinear journey. But with the right approach, we can promote the long-term well-being of each person entrusted in our care.

Does Insurance Cover Eating Disorder Treatment in Texas?

In many instances, insurance does cover eating disorder treatments in Texas. There are a few different insurance plans, including employer-sponsored, individual and family plans from the Health Insurance Marketplace, Medicare, and Medicaid. 

If you’re considering treatment, find out which type of insurance you have, your provider’s network, and your policy’s details to know how you’re covered.

Navita Health is an in-network health provider, meaning we offer services at lower costs for eligible plan members. 

If you face any difficulties with insurance for your mental health treatment, talk with your insurance provider. It’s possible to make different payment arrangements or find alternative solutions to get you the help and care you’re looking for. 

Find Effective Eating Disorder Treatment at Navita

If you’re ready to take the first step toward healing, we’re ready with the help you need.

We focus on the deep-seated causes of eating disorders, ensuring treatment extends beyond symptom management toward true healing and empowerment.

Our eating disorder healing programs at Navita Health are tailored to your unique circumstances, each delivered with compassionate support.

You don’t have to navigate this journey alone. We’re here to guide you to a brighter, eating disorder-free future.Reach out to Navita Health today.